Talk to mechanic
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How To Talk To Your Mechanic
We’ve all experienced that fateful day when something in our engine started to clunk, the rear brake squealed, a strange whining came from somewhere or, horror of all horrors, the “check engine” light came on. Yup, we’ve all had to take our cars to the garage at some point. And even if you aren’t big on checkups and frequent fluid checks, there’s no denying your car some attention when it starts making strange noises or emitting strange odors. Perhaps even more dreaded than the orange light on your dash is the very first trip to the garage.
Bringing your car to a mechanic can be a harrowing experience; you are handing your rather large purchase over to someone you don’t know in the hopes that he will be able to read your car’s signs of distress and fix the issue without charging you too much. So, there’s a certain amount of distrust that inevitably builds between a car owner and his mechanic.
You love your car and he loves working on your car; you have more in common than you think. Mechanics are extremely skilled individuals and a successful first encounter is based almost entirely on trust and respect for his knowledge of the situation -- although, that doesn’t mean that you can’t offer your opinion or make observations about your own vehicle.
Here are a few tips to keep in mind when going to a mechanic for the first time. They will help you avoid toppling the scale and getting on your mechanic's bad side. Remember: He has access to your brake lines…
Respect the profession
A mechanic is more than just a grease monkey; he’s a working professional -- do not forget that. No one likes to be considered inadequate at their job, especially not after years of undergoing specialty training, schooling and experience.
You may not realize it, but mechanics aren’t just guys off the street who like to explore the underside of the hood. More than just having a passion for vehicles, mechanics are extremely knowledgeable about their craft. Schooling and internships are required, and if a mechanic wishes to specialize in a specific manufacturer, such as Ferrari, Lamborghini, BMW or Mercedes, even more training and in-depth research on their part is required. It’s time to look past the garage jumpsuit exterior and see the mechanical genius underneath.
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